Baseball is Life

Where We Are and Where We’re Going

I’m going to keep this short and sweet, I haven’t been around at all lately. Who knew that finishing your Bachelor’s while also having a family, a full-time job, and three part-time gigs would cut into one’s ability to watch and write about baseball? I had intended to keep writing, but as my workload piled up, cuts had to be made somewhere. I love baseball and I love writing, but I can get my baseball fix out of taking my daughter to the batting cage and going to the occasional game with the family. I haven’t had the time over the past year to watch, let alone write about, baseball.

That brings us to today, and you may have noticed I published something on Negro major league statistics last week. I’m back to writing about baseball and I’m looking forward to it. I won’t be as prolific as I was in the past, I’d expect one post a month, sometimes maybe two. That may spike when I finish my Bachelor’s program in a few months, but the goal is to be consistent with at least one article a month. I’m also going to slowly start working on The Guide again and get it back up to the status it should have as opposed to its current state with too many dead links, defunct leagues, and an absence of new leagues that popped up.

Lastly, there is one big change you’ll notice. There’s no longer a link to my Twitter feed and those who know me outside of this website are likely aware that I left Twitter long before it became X. I had no desire to be associated with Elon Musk and his cancerous worldview. I’m not making a political statement right now, but when I left Twitter I realized something; I enjoyed being away from all of that noise. Other social media sites have popped up or been offered as places to discuss baseball, unaffiliated or otherwise, but I’m content not being on social media outside of sharing pictures of my kids with close friends and family on Facebook. Words Above Replacement still has an unofficial Discord server, and I frequent it from time to time. It’s not that active though, but if others want to make it active, by all means go ahead. I always enjoyed having genuine baseball conversations, but I quickly discovered life felt a lot nicer without the constant arguments and trolling that constitute most of social media.

I say the above to remark, I won’t be sharing Words Above Replacement articles anywhere online. Unless you frequent the site you’re not going to be made aware of what is being published. If others want to share the articles, that’s great, but I’m not interested in clicks or entering the social media maelstrom again. I’m going to write about baseball, hopefully, Yirsandy is as well, and I’m thankful for anyone who chooses to be along for the journey.

Lead photo courtesy of Unknown – Baseball is Life Facebook

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Bill Thompson
Father (human/feline/canine), husband, Paramedic, Communist, freelance writer at various online and print publications. Member Internet Baseball Writers Association of America & Society for American Baseball Research.

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