Vladimir Guerrero Jr. throwing a ball while with the Buffalo Bisons.
This Week in Baseball

This Week in Baseball: 05-20-2019

ESPN – Sam Miller: There are instances where players outgrow their Minor League Baseball trappings before they have actually graduated to Major League Baseball. These seasons are fun to watch, and in a day and age where baseball is full of parity, it’s nice to witness players dominate on another level than their peers. Some dominant seasons have crossed over into downright farcical, but all the same, watching someone put on a season for the ages is fun, no matter the league.

Baseball Prospectus – Beth Woerner: Baseball is a game that should defy any boundaries on a map. It’s also a game that should be free of gender barriers and any sort of discrimination. Alas, we all know that isn’t always the case. That’s why it’s refreshing to read about instances where baseball is what it should be; a game that speaks a universal language that brings us all together. Baseball is relatively new to Ghana, but it has already given girls more chances to succeed in life. They are playing the greatest game in the world; freely and openly. I am glad they have been given such an opportunity.

Deadspin – Marc Normandin: International talent makes up a rather large chunk of the MLB and MiLB landscape these days. That’s all fine and dandy, baseball is a global game after all. However, MLB owners have issues when it comes to the international players that make up their leagues. Namely, they can’t control their entire futures through a draft like they can players born on American soil. Sure, they’ve found ways to control them through intermediaries and the like. However, an international draft would make controlling young international players much, much easier. In the end, that’s all MLB and the owners care about, control.

Lead photo courtesy of Jeffrey T. Barnes – Associated Press

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Bill Thompson
Father (human/feline/canine), husband, Paramedic, Communist, freelance writer at various online and print publications. Member Internet Baseball Writers Association of America & Society for American Baseball Research.

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