Artwork representing baseball uniforms.
Top Threads Tournament

Top Threads Tournament: Hiatus

The Auckland Tuatara easily breezed past the Sydney Blue Sox to take home the title of champions of the Australian Baseball League bracket of the Top Threads Tournament. The Tuatara advance to the yet to be finalized overall champions bracket.

ABL First Round
ABL Semifinals
ABL Championship

Unfortunately, voter turnout was not that great throughout the ABL bracket. Truth be told it’s been dwindling ever since the very first bracket. Perhaps people don’t have the time to vote or people just don’t much care about baseball uniforms. It may just have been bad timing as well and that is why the Top Threads Tournament will be going on hiatus. If the website continues to grow then at some point down the line I’ll pick up the tourney again. If not, well, it was a good idea, I still believe that.

Lead artwork courtesy of Pedro Carvalho

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Bill Thompson
Father (human/feline/canine), husband, Paramedic, Communist, freelance writer at various online and print publications. Member Internet Baseball Writers Association of America & Society for American Baseball Research.

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