A few years back I started a, now abandoned project, of calculating the true win-loss records of every team to ever play professional baseball. My methodology was to go league-by-league and in every season in a given league add in the playoff results to the regular season results. Once that was finished, presto, I could […]
Tag: negro leagues
SABR Drops the Ball
Last Wednesday Rob Manfred announced that Major League Baseball would recognize the Negro Leagues as major leagues. Those who have been reading this site in its almost two-year existence know that I have long championed that the Negro major leagues were in fact, major leagues. An announcement from MLB wasn’t needed for them to be […]
A Trip to the Library: Raceball
Every so often you start reading a book and realize very quickly, “Yeah man, this is my jam!” The book in question resonates with you from the very onset and that resonation only grows stronger the deeper into the book you get. Finally, you finish the book and you wish there were more pages for […]
The Damage Integration Wrought
In the next month, I should have a review on the site of Rob Ruck’s Raceball. The short version of the review is that it is one of the best books on baseball I have ever read. While all of it has been interesting and thought-provoking there was one issue that was touched upon that […]
Roy Campanella’s Best Years
Most baseball fans know Roy Campanella, at least if you’re enough a baseball geek to be reading this site then you know Roy Campanella. Not much more can be gained from digging into his short, but prolific career with the Los Angeles Dodgers. His resume is filled with the awards and recognition that let those […]