Cover art of Josh Gibson throwing a baseball.
A Trip to the Library

A Tripe to the Library: The Negro Leagues Are Major Leagues

The Negro Leagues Are Major Leagues is an interesting concept. The title came on the heels of Major League Baseball’s decision to declare the Negro Leagues were major leagues. I’m not going to use this review to litigate that announcement, I’ve done that plenty on this site already. Regardless, a collection of essays discussing the […]

Header image from an article on The Baseball Scholar about the 100 greatest pitchers ever

Segregated History

Recently I was listening to an episode of the Effectively Wild podcast. The episode in question was number 1487, We Remembered Some Guys. The basic gist of the episode was that co-hosts Ben Lindbergh and Sam Miller (Meg Rowley is also a co-host but was not involved in the majority of the episode) were briefly […]