Mike Loree with a full beard, an odd sight indeed

The Loree Train Rides Again

A new Chinese Professional Baseball League season hasn’t truly kicked off until this site has written about one specific player. This isn’t the only time I, or the site, will write about this player, but until I’ve published an article on Mike Loree everything else is eyewash. We’re now 30 games into the 2021 CPBL […]

Missy Karcher is a long-time host family for the Aberdeen IronBirds

Minor Leaguers Need Homes

Lost amid all the ruckus of Major League Baseball restructuring Minor League Baseball into a soulless monstrosity of the owner’s opulence has been the treatment of the players. It’s not that people stopped caring about how minor leaguers are being treated, but with a virus raging throughout the country and communities losing their baseball teams […]